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Neizdevās sazināties ar serveri.'); }else if(x.status==404){ alert('Adrese netika atrasta.'); }else if(x.status==500){ alert('Notikusi servera kļūda'); }else if(e=='parsererror'){ alert('Kļūda datu apstrādē!'); }else if(e=='timeout'){ alert('Neizdevās sagaidīt atbildi no servera.'); }else { alert('Nezināma kļuda.'+x.responseText); }} , success: function(json){ for(var i=0; i < json.length; i++) { if (json[i].target!='script') $('#'+json[i].target).html(json[i].value); else { eval(json[i].value); } } document.getElementById('body').style.cursor='auto'; $("button").button(); $(':submit').button(); $('input[type="button"]').button(); } }); } //my info - go to change password section function gotoChangePass() { sendParam('gotochangepass=true'); } //my info - go to change main information section function gotoChangeInfo() { var poststr = 'gotochangeinfo=true'; sendParam(poststr); } //my info - save password function savePass() { var poststr = 'savePass=true'+'&oldpass=' + myencodeURI( document.getElementById('oldpass').value ) +'&newpass=' + myencodeURI( document.getElementById('newpass').value ) +'&newpass2=' + myencodeURI( document.getElementById('newpass2').value ); sendParam(poststr); } //my info - save user info function saveInfo() { var i; var poststr = 'updateuser=' +'&uzvards=' + myencodeURI( document.getElementById('surname').value ) +'&vards=' + myencodeURI( document.getElementById('name').value ) +'&perskods=' + myencodeURI( document.getElementById('code').value ) +'&mail=' + myencodeURI( document.getElementById('mail').value ); var telcounter=parseInt(document.getElementById('telcounter').value); for (i=1;i<=telcounter;i++) { poststr+='&tel'+i+'=' + myencodeURI( document.getElementById('tel'+i).value ); poststr+='&tela'+i+'=' + myencodeURI( document.getElementById('telapraksts'+i).value ); } poststr+='&telc=' + telcounter; var tbl3 = document.getElementById('adresestb'); var adreses=tbl3.rows.length-1; for (i=0;i